Downloadable Content

Monster Hunter Rise "Cute & Cuddly Collection" DLC Pack

Monster Hunter Rise is required to use this product.

Enhance your Monster Hunter Rise experience with this DLC pack full of cute add-ons!

Enhance your Monster Hunter Rise experience with this DLC pack full of cute add-ons! This additional content includes: - "Lance Gunn" Hunter layered armor set - "Ran Page" Hunter layered armor set - "Kit T." Palico layered armor set - "Pup R." Palamute layered armor set - "Special Stickers 3" sticker set - "Stuffed Rathalos" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Nargacuga" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Zinogre" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Goss Harag" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Malzeno" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Magnamalo" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Diablos" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Tigrex" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Lunagaron" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Garangolm" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Rakna-Kadaki" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Khezu" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Mizutsune" Hunter layered weapon - "Stuffed Rajang" Hunter layered weapon Note: The products included in this set can also be purchased separately. After purchasing, speak to the Courier and select Add-on Content to receive the content. - Hunter Layered Armor can be used in the Layered Armor Settings menu of the Item Box. - Layered armor is a "skin" which changes the appearance of the character without affecting their stats and abilities. - Palico layered armor can be used in the Layered Armor Settings menu of the Buddy Board. - Layered armor is a "skin" which changes the appearance of the character without affecting their stats and abilities. - Stickers can be used from the Chat Menu. The speech bubble will initially be empty. You can enter text in the Chat Menu.
This description was provided by the publisher.
Required Space
Compatible With
Nintendo Switch
Release Date
Age Rating
Online interactivity, In-game purchases, Fantasy themes and violence
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