
Lord of the Click II

Lord of the Click returned suddenly and with a number «II» on the end.

Yes! Oh my gosh! Hell yeah! This long-promised day has finally come with the release of the game that kills not only your time but your calories as well! The return of the legendary Lord of the Click has happened so suddenly and with a number «II» on the end. Some might say: «Pffft! Why does perfection need a sequel?» We’ll reply with: «Pffft! This is a perfect sequel to perfection!» (with a number «II» on the end). You will ask us: «Are there any new features that you, a respected Kazakh game developer, have incorporated into your flawless masterpiece?» I’ll smile lightly, sit firmly on my armchair and will tell you without any hesitation: «My boy, we’ve added a cooperative mode for you, pal. And now you can learn the truth about this very important thing — who mashes the button faster, you or your granny?». Add this feature to another set of new options: epic in-game campaign created with updated visuals, gameplay innovations for nerds who prefer to consider their moves during the game session, and finally this top-notch marketing text that will help you to buy this game without further ado. Your arms are basically targeted to press that PURCHASE button. Or do they not?
This description was provided by the publisher.
Required Space
Supported Play Modes
Number of Players
1 - 2
Supported Controllers
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Save Data Cloud
Compatible With
Nintendo Switch
ESDigital Games
Strategy / Other
Release Date
Supported Languages
Age Rating
Mild Violence
A paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online is required to use the Save Data Cloud.
More or less free space than is indicated here may be required in order to install products that have been downloaded to the Nintendo Switch console.
If there is not enough free space available, you can delete unnecessary software or insert a microSD card with enough space.
This software supports the following: - Touch screen
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