
Island Saver

Blast the trash and save the islands! Are you a Savvy Saver? Help save the Savvy Islands!

Welcome to Savvy! A group of amazing islands need your help! Horrid plastic waste has washed up and you need to sort it out with your trusty Trash Blaster! But look out for the Litterbugs. They love mess and they’re out to muck things up. You need to wash away gloop, collect litter, earn coins and rescue the bankimals! These special animals are living piggy banks and with them you can help save the Savvy Islands and make things good again. FEATURES • Tropical jungles - the icy arctic - dusty deserts – volcanoes - explore them all as you clean up the islands. • 42 bankimals to save – can you rescue them all? • Find bankimals you can ride and use their powers to access new areas • Help Kiwi find his missing nest eggs! • Collect coins and discover spending, saving, and more!
This description was provided by the publisher.
Required Space
Supported Play Modes
Number of Players
Supported Controllers
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Save Data Cloud
Compatible With
Nintendo Switch
National Westminster Bank
Adventure / Education / Action / First-Person Shooter
Release Date
Supported Languages
Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian
Age Rating
Online Interactivity, Mild Crude Humour, In-Game Purchases
A paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online is required to use the Save Data Cloud.
More or less free space than is indicated here may be required in order to install products that have been downloaded to the Nintendo Switch console.
If there is not enough free space available, you can delete unnecessary software or insert a microSD card with enough space.
Downloadable Content
2 items in total
© 2020 National Westminster Bank plc. Island Saver™ and Bankimals™ are trademarks of National Westminster Bank plc.